Southwest Improvement, LLC
 Call us at: 701-872-3091
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Joe Finneman
Concrete placement and cutting
Star Building Systems dealer
Residential and commercial construction
Ted & Jesse Finneman
Ted Finneman works on most projects and has experience in the many services provided by Southwest Improvement. Jesse joins the crew on special projects and is earning a journeymans electrician's license.
Joe Finneman started Southwest Improvement LLC
Joe was raised in western North Dakota near Golva and his early work experience was on his family farm and nearby farms and ranches. As a young man, he spent winters in the Tri-Cities area of Washington where he learned construction from the bottom up. Joe established Southwest Improvement in 1980. His experience includes both residential and commercial constuction. He added a Star Metal Building dealership in 1982 and expanded into concrete cutting in the 1990s. Southwest Improvement is a family owned LLC.
Concrete flat work for floor in the Evangelical Church and attached gymnasium in Beach, 2015.
Replace basement without moving house 2013.
Durable, handy used Versa Mats for sale.
Star Buildings
New residential construction, 2008.